You can order services by filling out the Contact us form. As soon as we receive a request, we will contact you immediately. You can also contact us by email.: [email protected]
To receive the exact price of the service, you must fill out the Contact us form. Provide information as accurately as possible so that there are no misunderstandings during the work process. After receiving all the necessary information, we will send you an offer by e-mail. If the offer is right for you, you will receive an order confirmation.
Yes. Cancellation deadline is 24 hours. If you do not meet the cancellation deadline or when the cleaners arrive, they will not be allowed to clean the premises, unfortunately, we will be obliged to invoice you for the full price of the service.
No. This service is free for the customer. Inspection is usually applied to companies or in cases where the cleaning project is unique, and it is difficult to calculate the exact price based on the data provided by the client. In other cases, the inspection is not carried out.
You can arrange key management directly with your cleaner when she is with you. At the same time, you fill in the key form, which you keep during the entire service.
It is recommended to be at home the first time and show the cleaner if you have any special things that need to be considered.
Customer Service will notify you in advance if your cleaner is delayed. We will try to resolve the situation to the best of our ability so that you as a customer are not affected
Of course, you can! It’s your choice, but we recommend that you spend that time doing enjoyable activities so that you can relax later in your sparkling home.
Our employees have all the necessary tools to perform the work. As a customer, we would like to ask you to have a vacuum cleaner if possible. If you don’t have it, we’ll take care of it ourselves.
BusyBees AS gives you a 100 % satisfaction guarantee. Contact us within 48 hours of the service and we will clean your home again for free or find a solution that works best for you.
As a customer, you are insured up to NOK 10 million and all our cleaners are also covered against liability.